
A day that started productively and morphed into 'letting my hair down'. I caught the bus to St Neots to meet a potential volunteer for the refugee support charity of which I am a trustee. We had a useful discussion and she'll be on board if I follow up swiftly. She also generously made a delicious lunch and talked about her interesting life. Hungarian and having lived all over Europe in various jobs. The scariness of Hungary's upcoming elections and likely next term for the very right wing Victor Orban.

I went to visit Tim in London to let off some steam after a period of being almost entirely focused on work. At the club these women broke out into such good dancing that everyone gathered around then applauded. We assumed they were professionals.

The clock change confused us massively (gin consumption would not have helped). It was somewhat late/early/dawn by the time we hauled ourselves back to his place. A good time had by all.

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