Curiouser and curiouser

Following on from yesterday’s discovery, today we made another link and it has been right under our nose all the time!

Acorn Bank
The National Trust Gardens, close to where we live, and which we have been visiting on a regular basis ever since we moved in here. Great walks through woodland and by streams, wildlife areas, extensive planted gardens, including a famous herb garden, a working water mill and much more. The grandchildren love it for running about and exploring. It has had a wonderful carpet of snowdrops and now the daffodils are just coming and will soon be a glorious mass of yellow covering the woodland floor. Always a great sight.

So, what’s the link? Well, we have always known that there were once gypsum mines at the edge of the estate. One of the walks takes you to this point, where a part of the original railway that brought gypsum up from the mines has been set up and a couple of figures give some idea of what the mining activity was like. But what we had never realised was that, if you walk through the trees above the mine for a short while (not sure you are supposed to do this, but we did), you come to . . . the Old Engine Shed of yesterday’s blip. This was the Boazman Mine (see extra) and it was Henry Boazman, owner of Acorn Bank, who discovered the gypsum and started the mining. There is another story there.

So many links and we have only just started . . .

I will be adding more to this fascinating story and tagging the blips, so if you are not quite as fascinated, you know which blips to ignore.

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