Snapshots of my world

By yeeeeed

Just keep blipping!

It seems fitting that my 2500th blip should be on a day when the weather is uninspiring, the landscape damp and dreary and a time when you wouldn't particularly think about taking a photo. Blip changes all of that and helps find joy in the ordinary. It challenges you to make the mundane a little more interesting and to search beneath the surface of everyday life to find something to capture, to share, to document.

I love exploring horizons new and blipping those scenes and landscapes.
I love finding something quirky, eye-catching, unusual and blipping those gems.
I love a run of the mill day when things just tick along and blipping those days.
I love the way you can blip the dark winter nights when it's pouring down with rain and all you can photograph is a puddle, and yet nobody is critical of your shocking photograph.

Most of all, I love blipping every single day and reading the comments from you wonderful lot! Looking back on the 2500 blips is like sitting down to a huge journal of memories...and that's the magic of blip.

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