Greylag Geese at Brakefield Road

Woke up to a sunny morning, but soon clouded over by lunchtime.  Showers started in the late afternoon, and continued.  Gales have been picking up all day, and fairly blowing now.

I've been working in the museum office today, and had various tasks to complete.  One of my tasks was to finish off work sheets for an exhibition coming soon.  My plans for tonight have been ruined by the weather, but mam and niece Elise popped by for a cuppa.  Off to work in the pub later. 

I met up with mam at lunchtime, grabbed a bite to eat and then headed for a walk.  When I was a boy, geese were only seen on the croft, with a very occasional flock passing over.  Now they are here all year round, and causing great damage to crops and crofts.  I'm unsure why they suddenly settled here, but a pest for folk.  Saying that, the Greylag Geese are fine looking birds.  The houses behind are some of the Swedish timber homes built-post war, and can be seen in various parishes throughout Shetland.  Looking onto Brakefield Road, Sandwick. 

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