Poly Crub on da Swan

A dull and misty day, with showers and breezy.

I've been working at the museum all day, and a steady start to the day.  A cruise ship was in, shame it couldn't have been better for them, and I'd be quite frightened after what happened with the Viking Sky!   A quiet evening at home, some walkies with Sammy, and then off to work in the pub later. 

I had to nip home at lunchtime, and noticed some activity down at the harbour.  Some guys were working with the Swan LK 243, and have been for the last few days.  This new construction has appeared on top of the deck, and looks very similar to a poly crub.  It must be a shelter, while they work on her.  I was hoping some gales might blow it off, and into my garden, I'm sure I could make use of it :)  Taken at the Scalloway Boating Club.  

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