Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Blooming marvellous

It is quite remarkable how the beginning and ending of a day can be so dissimilar. I got up at 7 AM and started work straightaway and by the time I had packed it in at 9:30 I was thoroughly bored with it all. Too many fires, not enough of a chance to catch up.

Things got better when we undertook the laborious task of taking everything that we had cleaned out of the garage to the dump; a messy business but TSM found two dining chairs in the reclaim tent for a tenner and her delight was something to behold. I love seeing my soul mate happy and they are very nice chairs.

We went to Wisley in the afternoon with Top Gun, which was nice although a little overcast. We started a conversation in the car coming home about movies from the 1980s and Top Gun googled a couple of lists for us which he read out. One of the movies was apparently called Ferris Bueller’s Bake Off, which once we had stopped laughing about it struck me as quite an interesting concept.

In the evening the three of us went to the local pub and what was billed as an hour of pre-dinner drinks turned into a fully blown session involving beer, cocktails, vodka, whiskey and sharing plates.

We then face timed with The Girl Racer who is having more back problems but is in every other sense seizing each and every other day. Lovely to hear her passion for life.

Good day.

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