The Way to a Grandmother’s Heart

Please excuse this blip, the result of foutering about with my Photo Booth app when I was recording the simultaneous arrival of four handwritten thank you letters from four well brought up Grandchildren who have worked out the way to their Grandmother’s heart.
Twins Anna and Finlay thanked me for their birthday money and Nina and Ewan thanked me for the by products of the Edinburgh visit last weekend.

I know that children would probably never put pen to paper unless urged to by their parents, so I’m particularly pleased that my early training of their parents has paid dividends.

It looks like a beautifully warm spring day from inside looking out, the sun is shining and the sky is mostly blue, but the paths round the DowerHouse were salted very early this morning in readiness for below freezing temperatures. However the sun is now our side of the equator and able to heat us poor shivering mortals to the heights of 7° quite quickly. We should be grateful for small mercies.

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