Beer O'clock
The end of the week. I'm pleased. I'm so tired. It's been tough as I spent all last week with Rosemary and then, this week, nada! I've struggled with training a bit too. It's been all technique work at swimming, but too much IM for me....that's fly, back, breast and the only one I can do, free-style. It's hard because I feel as fit as I've been in years but can't keep up unless it's the stroke of my choice.
I've managed to fit loads of writing in for my blog, for a journal thingy and reviewed a pretty huge report too so that's been a success. To celebrate, Perez and I went to North Tea. I had a flat white for a change. This is his latte, with one sip out. Can you spot where? I had a really nice piece of chocolate Guinness cake too. Jane was astounded when she asked how it was. I said "tastes good but really dry". She looked crest fallen! "Dry?" she said. "Yes, as monsoon season in Malaysia" I replied. I had lied! Moist as was moist!
I then popped into an optician to get my Oakley's fixed. I had accidently popped the lens out and it wouldn't go back in. 4 people at work tried to fix them but failed. The technician at SpecSavers managed in ehhhh...3 seconds! There was a special way to do it!
I then went for a rummage in TK Maxx and nearly bought a bright orange Haglof's jacket. I decided it was a like rather than a need, even though I guessed I would wear it all winter.
I'm now in North Tea again and it's Friday beer o'clock. I'm having a rather wonderful San Franciscan Humming ale....sweet, smooth, rich and a hint of treacle! One beer like this gives far more pleasure that getting wrecked...which I never do now anyway.
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