today and we worked all day at the roof of the hut. A hilarious amount of measuring in order that all the planks were at the very right place.
In the moments of rest I looked at my little birds that come now very often. In the supermarket I bought at the end of the day a large amount of sunflower seeds.
At some moment the jay came and the blackbird too.
When I was at the supermarket in the valley I heard the knocking of a hammer on nails and I thought someone else is building something too. But then it turned out it was Piet Hein hitting the last nails in the roof. What is left now is putting the bitumen (Teerpappe in german, translation to dutch: bitumen, translation to english: bitumen over the planks. Ready go go. Do not forget the doors.

My haiku:

The runway to the seeds
Is overcrowded nowadays
But still the trees supplie

And the proverb (I notice that there are many, many coming from Shakespeare in the pages, not the one I choose for tonight):

They love too much that die for love.

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