Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Canal holiday

Even though we live by a canal, I'm very excited by the prospect of a few days on a canal boat down in Staffordshire. We got up at the crack of dawn to get the morning train down to Burton Upon Trent. The journey was long and I've realised I probably need to learn to meditate as I get very restless when I have to sit and only do one thing at a time with no distractions.

We arrived to a heavy bank of cloud, mist and drizzle, very similar to what we left Edinburgh in. Having located Mum who had got lost taken the scenic route to meet us we did some shopping and headed back to the canal. We were moored at Shobnall fields, a lovely little area complete with autumnal trees, ducks, swans, geese, rats and Dad who'd put the kettle on. After a lot of excitement on my part we got underway. There was a lot of learning to be done before we could have a go at important things like driving the boat. Soon after setting off, there was a lock to navigate. Having pulled up to moor whilst it was opened, I hopped off to help whilst The Boy stayed to learn the steering. Suddenly there were frantic shouts of "There's something in the water, quick, get it out!" The Boy had leaped ashore and was running along the footpath. Arm plunged in the water and a very bedraggled and startled squirrel raced up it and back to the trees. It must have lost its footing and fallen from the tree into the canal. So glad we were there to help it!

The rest of the journey was less eventful but full of learning. Locks, steering, where the teabags live etc. We travelled down to a winding hole, turned around and eventually moored for the night at Branston Water Park. A quick look out at the lake but the weather wasn't great for photos.

Today's shot is of Dad, The Boy and Mum enjoying a cup of tea before we began our journey. I had a cute picture of a brass Kingfisher but I thought this one of the family is more appropriate, plus I've been promised plenty more opportunities for real Kingfisher photos.

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