The "bikini girls"- Sicily

Big surprise today were these 2000 year old mosaics of Roman women athletes wearing bikinis!
To start with I had no idea women in the ancient Roman Empire competed in games or that they eore these bikini style garments which you can find in any High St fashion store.

The mosaics were in Sicily most famous Roman villa in the heart of the country a sparsley populated area.

This Roman villa belonging to a wealthy family who used it as a hunting lodge was buried in a mud slude in 12ooAD and only discovered in 1950 when they began the slow process of restoration which is still going on. It offers a unique snapshot of life in ancient Roman Empire.

We have moved from Catania - no problem with noise last night- and we are in Palermo this evening .
Bug trouble with internet access and resorted to my iphone. Still the guide book had warned services a bit creaky in Palermo which is still recovering from being totally in the grip of the Mafia.
Sent from my iPhone

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