The hikers

They were going down the hill as I went up  on my Spring pilgrimage to Black Moor.

Its a good fitness test - see the Extra photo of map and walk profile ( only a few hundred feet but all up ) - I was OK going but coughing as soon as I turned into the cold wind. ( yes I have seen a Dr)

The Extra photo - shows the view at the end of the walk - across the Snake to Bleaklow which had light covering of snow overnight which had melted by the afternoon when I did my walk leaving just a few pockets of  the deeper snow left from previous weeks.

I go looking for migrant birds but more in hope than expectation

No Ring Ouzel, Wheatear, Golden Plover or Dunlin BUT there were Red Grouse and I did hear 1 Skylark.

In the farming fields at the start of the walk there were a couple of Curlew, about 5 Lapwing and many crows and overhead 92 Black-headed Gulls ( yes I counted them)

Coronation Street with Mum and for once we agreed it was dramatic and Whitehaven a good choice to see Pat Phelan disappear into the Irish Sea,

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