The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Survival Mode

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

I was less excited this morning when I got up. Ouch! Because Rod and Dodzilla were noticeably drunker than me the previous evening, it had given me that false sense of security that I was pretty sober, tiddly at worst.

A self diagnostic seemed to indicate otherwise and I prepared for one of those days where time has slowed down, almost to a grinding halt.

A group chat confirmed that I was not alone in feeling slightly ropey and that there were 3 other sufferers. Thankfully, it was my last working day for a fortnight so the demob happiness offset the hangover.

The Prince was out in the evening and Kitty Cat came round for a drink. At 11, I was yawning my head off. She suggested opening another bottle of wine about midnight. I said that I was actually pretty tired and I had probably had enough. She uttered the fateful words…

‘We’ll just have the one glass’

We did not. The bottle was drained and she left at 2.45 am. Remind me, what’s the definition of insanity?!


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