The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Bottoms Up

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

“Oh God, it’s Groundhog Day” was the first thing that went through my mind this morning.

My fears were unfounded. A couple of cups of tea sorted me out and other than feeling a bit tired, I was ok. I suspect the difference in my morning after well-being was due to the absence of shots. Perhaps there is a lesson to be learned! My Friday call to you Jenny was also a tonic.

Mary Doll and Victor came over for lunch today. Mary Doll was chatting about one of her friends and I had a flashback to bumping into this woman in the supermarket with Youngest Mini Princess when she was about 3.

After exchanging pleasantries, we were walking away when YMP asked VERY LOUDLY…

‘Who is that man?

‘That’s Granny’s friend sweetheart. She’s a lady’

YMP then started laughing and announced…


I think I finished my shopping in record time in an effort to get out of there that day.


PS The picture is Murphy retrieving his ball from the rabbit hole he dropped it in!

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