Some Days

By Euphemist

Gator 78 and the Mansion House Car Park

It has been a day of tidying up in the gardens at Archerfield, east Lothian.

Firstly we had a team working on the car park gravel which had been pushed up into waves, mounds and small hillocks by over-enthusiastic drifters (nice boys who love their Mums, I'm sure). This is particularly annoying since we are hosting a big event for Jaguar cars (watch this space DaveRI) and many of the sportier models would have been unable to clear the flint chips.

Once that was achieved it was onto the leaves, which seem to be falling all at once throughout the estate this year. We have had no conkers to pick upnormally a pain in the shovel arm, because of the bad weather at blossom time, but the leaves are covering everywhere.

The lack of leaves on the lawns pictured are a result of an entire afternoons blowing and sucking (by machine!).

Major result.

We had Gator 78 today instead of our usual trusty 72 because poor old (very old) 72 is extremely poorly and is not allowed out to play for a while. Get well soon, you old rust-bucket.

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