Bridesmaid Ella

It snowed again but didn’t really come to much.

We went to the wedding evening do - Ella and Nathaniel had done well and walked up the aisle together first. #2 daughter sent me a little video of it. So cute, Ella looking down proudly at little brother as they went hand in hand, nice and slowly with the music. The bride, their dad’s sister, looked lovely of course.

The wedding was in the Baltic on the Tyne which is a spectacular location. It was nice for us to meet son-in-law’s fun family from Hertfordshire again. Ella and Nathaniel were playing happily with some of the groom’s great-nieces, and enjoyed all the disco dancing. So much so that it was difficult to get them to come home. Despite an hour in the car to get home, it was 10pm before we got them to bed. Let’s hope they are not too grumpy tomorrow after all the excitement.

I couldn’t get the children to stay still to have a Blip but I caught Ella unawares here. The pensive look is not typical!

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