Hector's House

By MisterPrime

St. Dogmael's Abbey

Had a very pleasant morning at the Teifi Marshes Nature Reserve failing to go canoeing. We'd booked a place but then couldn't find where the actual trips started from due to a combination of lassez-faire organisation on their part and probably general incompetence on ours. Still, we ended up following a really good woodland trail along the Teifi Gorge, seeing some deer in the wild and then having tea at a cafe with fabulous views back across the marshes to Cardigan - it cost us less money, we didn't get wet and there was cake! On the way back we stopped in St. Dogmael's and had a look at the Abbey ruins and church - the latter built very evocatively against (and presumably from!) the former. Later on we came back to the village for some very fine fish and chips (rather brilliantly called 'sgod a sglod' in Welsh) from Bowens chippie on the High Street.

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