Easter Sunday Sunrise

Easter Sunday 1st April 2018 (2037)

Alleluia! Christ is risen! 
Happy Easter

Up for the 6.30am sunrise service at a local farm. A short service around a fire and then time to wait and watch the sun rise over the hill. It came up rapidly and we were blessed with another good one. This was taken at 6.47am.

The later start meant that there was no time to go home before the 8am service. I then had a lot to accomplish before the 10.30am Family Celebration. We had a full service, with lots going on. 

There's now a bit of time to relax before Evensong and then, after that, I will be on holiday ... a proper holiday. Yeah, I made it! It has been a long hard slog since Christmas and I am more than ready for a break. This will be a good one. I'm still  not 100% but I'm getting there. 

Easter sunrises in previous years

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