Hollibobs day 4

Not the best night but we’ve had worse.
Up dressed and headed out to go on an adventure.
We had only been on the motorway a short time when the matrix signs told us that the fast lane was closed due to an incident. This turned out to be a five car crash, no emergency services on site so we think it had literally just happened. Thankfully we saw lots of people walking about so one hopes they were all ok. The holders who were behind us by a few minutes said they got through but signage suggested the motorway was about to close. We drove along a deserted m5 southbound / it appeared they had closed this where we had seen the accident on Saturday!
We arrived and parked up at cosford.
It was heaving!

We had great fun exploring the exhibits and seeing all the planes. Lots of interactive activities were being held.

The cafe was beyond heaving so we agreed to drive towards home and spot the first pub. However, we tuned one way and the holders went the other way so we ended up going separate ways for late lunch. We struck gold as found a lush pub with great food on the edge of Bridgnorth.

Home by three pm
Quiet time for all

Peter rabbit film tomorrow
Fingers crossed it’s all ok

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