Glen Galmadale Horseshoe

After yesterday's pleasant sunny stroll, I headed to Morvern and camped on the shore of Loch Linnhe. Around 3am the wind rose I had a noisy night with the tent flapping. 

I struggled round the two Corbetts of the excellent Galmadale Horseshoe in wind speeds of 50mph+ (on the anemometer) and I had to wear every item of clothing in the bag to keep warm. 

After passing the strange 'Camp' on Creach Bheinn, I toiled onto Maol Odhar to see this site of the wind blowing up a cornice. 

The ridge alongside Loch Linnhe was an excellent end to the walk, better than the knee bashing of yesterday's hill which can actually be seen in the background just above the blowing snow. 

Corbett 129

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