
By Earthling

Around Iceland with Zoe

ON, my company, recently finished installing fast charging stations at so many places around the country that an electric car could do the round trip without "range anxiety". I thought Easter would be a good time to test it, before all the tourists arrive and more people would do it. 
As usual I was a bit impulsive and did not research properly if every station had a European outlet, which our new car (Renault Zoe) needs. Therefore we did have some anxiety at times. The first day we stopped often and had plenty of electricity. One stop is at Jökulsárlón. Did not mind stopping there, although there were no icebergs, just ice...
My idea was to reach Egilsstaðir that first day, but at 21:30 in Djúpivogur we realized that it was too far, still some 180 km to go, so we plugged in the car and checked in to the hotel across the road. The hotel was absolutely wonderful with breakfast included. We were very glad to stay there.

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