Sunday: Cape Scott

We have had all kinds of weather today. We woke up to a bit of snow, which then morphed into quite the snowfall. That suddenly stopped and everything became beautifully sunny. Then, during our walk, we had a brief heavy rainfall, some sleet, a bit of a hail but the main part was wonderfully sunny.

We drove 60km along a gravelly logging road today to get to Cape Scott Provincial Park. It's a lesser known one, partly because it is a bit inaccessible. Once there, we walked the 2.5 km to San Josef beach, a lovely stretch of beach with wonderful rock stacks (I'm sure there's a geological term for them).

Getting there and back along unsurfaced roads, and the hike, took us the best part of the day. We felt nicely outdoorsy tired this evening.

We got out the Monopoly again. We really do have to define a cut off point for that game!

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