In Brief, for once...

By JaxI

Halloween 2012

The parental effort for M's school Halloween event.
Dr Y likes to moan but he gives in to his fate quite resignedly these days. The outfit was supposed to be for me. Hot on the success of Jackie o Lantern, I thought I would be Captain Jackie Sparrow. But when I tried on the outfit, I just looked like a drunken old git, so decided that Y had more Johnny Depp vibes, and I would make myself something new.
The ghost costume was made in an hour and a bit this morning, start to finish, and this became apparent when the elastic broke 5 minutes after the event started and I had to hold my head on for two hours.

Considering that the sewing machine broke down two nights ago, M's costume was not bad either.
The kids all seemed to have a great time, so well done HIS! Thanks to the organizers and staff, and to my friends who volunteered as well.

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