In Brief, for once...

By JaxI

Happy Birthday Sis!

On this day when I was about to turn 3, a long time ago my sister was born. We've had our less loving phases throughout the years, like the period when I and our cousins insisted on calling her Fred after an unfortunate mother enforced haircut, or when she drew with black felt pen on the kitchen wall and told my mum it was me, but all in all is say we've done a good job of being the best of friends for the past 4 decades.
Always sad I can't be there to do her birthday on the scale that only she and I think a birthday deserves, but I think she'd approve of the plate of cured meats and 3 kinds of mouthwatering cheese that we are having for dinner in her honour .

You'd have loved the Italian Fair at Mitsukoshi Fi. Happy Birthday to a "great" sister!

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