Wet & Wild

Weather wise it has been pretty foul today........ everywhere underwater - pathstreesnormally almost dry streams  ..... everywhere.
Even the snow was suffering from the rain -- Here it rolled down the van windscreen.

The monsters are still off school so we are back to the full day childminding this week.
Cheeky Face - alias Squirrel wanted to take some pictures, so she had a go
The Cygnet had a go too. This is what he got when he asked for a smile.
Even one of the cats got in on the act.
It was all enough to make your head spin.

I was taxiing Bags about this afternoon. She had to go for an x-ray and then to the doctor.
Of course there was no way there was going to be a parking space at the hospital at visiting time, so I dropped her off and went and sat at the entrance to a vacant building plot across the road. Less than 10 minutes later I was back picking her up. 
So we then went for a cofee before going to the doctor's surgery. We were out of there in 15 minutes.
Again - amazing.

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