Definitely Waving!

We have packed so much into today! Started early with runs for all.  Since the sun came up, we made picnics and plans and headed beachwards. Two of us on foot, two in surf van.
Ona and I had rather underestimated our distance and had to divert mid walk for the sake of the others - and our tired legs. Some muddy farmers' fields but many a good footstep on the coastal path and Bailey did really well to keep going too. 
12K later and we spotted the van-café - complete with Van Man in a brightly coloured T Shirt from a previous trip. It was a very welcome sit down and picnic and a celebration of a good surf and walk in lovely weather which we hadn't expected.
Home and a brief change before we walked up to the gallery, leaving Bailey back at base to recover. We met the poet in residence, Steve Thorp at the Alchemy exhibition and chatted about his  work and encountered some really inspiring pieces. We pottered back through town, making purchases in another gallery - again with a very welcoming artist as host.
We were back at the house only long enough to enjoy a cup of tea before gathering warm clothes for the trip out to Porth Gain for fish and chips from The Shed. Our final destination was Strumble Head - partly for photography but also to just watch the horizon in a truly beautiful spot. I don't feel my camera and I did it justice but it was a privilege to be there. A wonderfully busy day which has left us blissfully tired!

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