Grandma's wedding

These days everyone has a camera, and everyone takes photos. But I'm not sure we treat them with the same reverence as earlier generations.

I went up to Manchester to meet with my brother and my cousin and her husband. Our 90 year old aunt is now in a home and the house will soon have to be sold. We went to make sure that there were no valuables - either monetary or sentimental ones - left vulnerable.

My aunt had put her family photos, large and professional ones, ready for framing (and some framed) underneath the drawers in the wardrobe in the master bedroom. My cousin is looking after them for the time being, and we will be making modern photos of them, but I asked to borrow this one to blip (and another one which I may blip tomorrow).

My grandma was the third youngest of nine. Her parents had both passed away while the youngest were still very young, and the older siblings undertook the full time role of holding the family together. This photo is mainly those brothers and sisters - and the even took place shortly after the first world war.

It is always sad when an elderly relative has to give up her home but it was lovely to see her today. I took her some home made cookies and a Victoria Sponge.

Sitting in the house, which holds so many memories for all of us, we were able to celebrate history and I am so proud to be a member of this courageous family.

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