
By KirstyHalbert

Autumn Walking.

Another thick blanket of mist lay over Fort Augustus again this morning; but this one was a little harder to shift. We had another lovely breakfast at the hotel before looking up some nearby walks on the internet and planning our route for today. We chose a walk along the banks of the River Oich which was beautiful in the mist. I took a few photos but I think this one of M and I was my favourite - I tend not to post people-shots but this really makes me smile; it's a lovely memory. That's what photos are for :o)

After our walk we ate lunch at a picnic bench on the edge of the woods, while robins and a blue jay flitted at a safe distance, watching for crumbs. We drove back to the hotel and drank a cup of coffee in the drawing room by a blazing log fire to warm up, then M took us for a wee drive in the direction of Fort William. As we rose into the hills behind Fort Augustus the mist dropped away and we came into beautiful sunshine, warm on our backs as we got out of the car at the Bridge of Oich. We drove a little further among some stunning scenery to the Commando Monument, where the mist once again clung to the tops of the mountains.

When we got back to the hotel, we booked an early dinner so that we could watch a new program on the BBC: The Harbour, based in Aberdeen, with a few people that both M and I know starring in several of the episodes. It was absolutely brilliant and well worth a watch. We had a lazy evening of photo editing for me, watching some TV and chilling out in preparation for the long drive to Yorkshire tomorrow.

Go large to see my bobble hat :)

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