
By PlanW

My Old Piano

We've bought this piano lid. Ten pounds, as you can see.  It's very beautiful.  It's going to become, hopefully, a small kitchen worktop, on top of one of those slimline units, almost like a hall console.  This is the only bit if the kitchen to remain unfinished from, ooh, December 2016.  It's been so long, it's kind of become invisible that it's unfinished.  I'm not complaining though, I've pooh-poohed several suggestions for it so far.  We've got granite there currently but had to take the trim off to use on the other side.  We can't find anywhere to replace the edging, including the original supplier and I've refused to pay a squillion pounds for a replacement granite top, robbing barstewards.  I've been banging on about solid wood but it hasn't happened, hopefully this will work.    It's where the kettle and teabags live; and the phone chargers, nail clippers, insulating tape, Stanley knife, pooh bags, Gary's opened post, door keys, wire wool, swarfega, etc etc etc.

Today, I woke up, called the breast unit, asked them for the surgery date they offered me on Thursday, 16th April.  I have a meeting with the nurses later today to discuss my choice if procedure.  Meanwhile, I called my private medical insurance to see if they'd cover me for the operation.   By the time I got to the breast unit, they already knew I'd been in touch with the insurance company, spoken with the consultant (who I saw on Thursday, broke the news to me) and told me I could have the work done on Friday.  

I went home, the consultant called to say there'd been a change in plan.  Surgery's on Thursday.  Whoosh, wheels in motion!

Tonight, we went to the pub for dinner.   It was great, I had wine for the first time in weeks, we laughed, talked, joked, and did not mention illness, hospital or operations once.

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