Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Small world

There is a theory that everyone in the world is never more than six connections away from anyone else. I know someone who knows someone else that knows someone who knows the President of the United States. Barack Obama in four. I'm not unique. But it makes you think.

Was reading Marcus Aurelius today. A famous stoic who preached acceptance rather than fighting or railing against fate and the injustices of life, he also had a more prosaic and wonderful side to him:

"Survey the circling stars as though you yourself were mid course with them. Often picture the changing and rechanging dance of the elements. Visions of this kind purge away the weight of our earth bound life. "

So for him it wasn't so much a case of small world as big creation and our right to be absorbed in the wonder of it all...

TSM bought some new boots today so that she would have something cosy and practical for the winter. I think they are lovely. We had a really nice little shopping trip together which cheered me up after a difficult morning when I didn't deal with the sun on my car windscreen and knocked a 62 year old man off his bicycle. Took him to the walk in centre and went 'round to the police to report it; he only had minor injuries (cuts and bruises) but I felt really bad about it. Turns out he lived a couple of doors from old friends of ours who had moved to Scotland. Small world indeed.

Think I might survey the circling stars myself tonight ...

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