Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Birthday Boy

Apparently we celebrate birthdays because the anniversary of our birth is the one day in the year that evil spirits can get us and corrupt our destiny; by surrounding ourselves with friends and family we can ward off these evil spirits. The candles on the cake are lights to the gods to invite their attention and prayers for our safe passage through the day. And I always thought it was a jolly occasion.

This is my brother in law the musically talented Mr S, who once had a band called Out of My Hair. He it was who was having the birthday. We celebrated at Loch Fyne where the fish and chips was good and the puddings and coffee were damn fine. He doesn't much like having his picture taken, strangely for a person who likes nothing better than to perform live, so I had to get him in one, which I did.

Went to see Aged P this morning who got annoyed at my profanity and said she would tell my mother about me. I reminded her that she was my mother which she denied at first then realised I was telling the truth. Other than that a pleasant morning.

Cats left a dead rat on the kitchen floor tonight. It was huge and they didn't seem to know what to do with it. I always get the job of cleaning these things up.

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