The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Medical Procedures

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

We popped over to see The Explorer this afternoon. Her sister, Songbird is visiting. Songbird has disabilities which means she has different filters on whether conversation is appropriate*. We were once sitting in a restaurant when she loudly asked if I had ever had a smear test and wanted to discuss it. At length. In detail. At volume.

During Songbird’s recent visit to the doctor, the subject of mammograms had come up. The Explorer explained the procedure and did an impression of squashing her boob between two plates. The Explorer (a lady of ample bosom) joked that she wasn’t sure if hers would fit and I (at the back of the queue when they handed them out) joked that I would just need mini plates.

When you have had boobs for a long time, boobs are funny. However, this is possibly not the case when they are a fairly recent addition. The Mini Princesses faces resembled rabbits caught in headlights. Slightly ill rabbits.


*A bit like drunk me

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