The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Tough Negotiating

Dear O'H dear,

Jenny and I went on a long walk with Murphy this morning. These are the moments that I miss most about my friends living inconveniently on the other side of the planet- chatting about whatever comes into your head at that moment and sharing the normal things.

This afternoon, I popped into a phone shop with The Youngest Mini Princess as our contacts are at an end and I wanted to chat about the available options.

“And how did you get on with your last phones?” the salesman asked. “Were the any problems?”

I assured him that they had been just fine.

“Apart from the tine you dropped my phone in the toilet,” YMP helpfully added.

I returned home to chat to The Prince about the package we were being offered. The Prince and I are very different. He LOVES bartering with salespeople and I HATE it, find it very stressful and won’t do it. The Prince offered to come back with me and “chisel away at the price.”

I felt quite ill at the thought of even witnessing this process and hurriedly declined his offer, but he made me promise to ask for a discount. So I went back (this time with EMP) and was VERY brave...

“I’m back to sign up for the plan you suggested, but my husband says I have to ask if this is your best price’”

And he actually gave me a better deal. For the same price. With other free stuff!


PS I was feeling quite pleased with myself when we left, until EMP said that I had sounded so apologetic that she had half expected me to ask if I could pay extra for inconveniencing him with my question.

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