The double Hs

Halloween and Hurricane Sandy! In the next few days we'll get treated to two freak shows: one, courtesy of mother nature, by way of several storms combining to produce "the frankenstorm" of the century (according to very excited weather people and empty shelves in grocery stores...); the other, entirely man-made, by way of various ghostly celebrations for Halloween.

I tried catching a bit of both this afternoon, at a 'pumpkin festival.' The ominous cloud cover is foreshadowing the hurricane nearing our coasts; the crowds up front are in line (yes, because in Washington, you have to wait for just about everything...) for a hayride through pumpkin fields.

I'd have loved to take more pix (the light was delicious!) but as I looked through my lens, I failed to see a hole and stepped right into it. Result: another sprained ankle. Sigh.

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