Another garden to visit to see the spring bulbs. This time the Erythronium got pushed off the blip by the blackbird! It was singing so beautifully in the tree it deserves to be the star feature! There were lots of birds singing beautifully but this Blackbird was the only one we could see and although the carpark had quite a few cars we didn't often bump into people. I did get spider bombed though! I got up off the ground after photographing this bee to see an enormous spider had crawled onto my coat sleeve, and it wasn't keen to be shaken off! There was also a Brimstone fluttering around - it seemed to be following us to each section of the garden - but always too far away to photograph. Apparently, it was a male looking for a mate!
I dropped sister off in Tavistock to have a look in the fabric shop whilst I got food for us, the cats, the chickens,Gunther and the fish! This meant I could buy her a Birthday cake without her knowing! I'd already bought her two Auricula's from the garden house as an early birthday present!
In the evening it was on to the first lace section of the Find Your Fade Shawl! Even more tricky than the previous section!
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