
By Roam

Victory Salute

So Terry and Willis organised for us to go to a college football game. Now I do enjoy my American Football and have always wanted to go to a game so this was very cool. I was amazed how professional it was for college standard, I knew it was a big thing but didn't realise just how big! I mean the top teams get covered by ESPN etc. It's crazy! To credit the US they do school/college sport well, very well.

Boston College 20 - 17 University of Maryland...

This was the scoreline. It was a really exciting game with BC winning it with a touch down with a few minutes on the clock left, the win was confirmed when they intercepted the ball and ended Maryland's chances of getting a field goal which would have tied the game up.

It was all very American. From having to rise for the 'Star Spangled Banner' to constantly applauding all the troops of the US army at the game and thanking them for their service to their country. It was all very surreal. You also have the cheerleaders, pep rally, dancers and marching band to draw your attention. Sometimes I didn't know where to look. I loved it tough it was a great experience and an awesome atmosphere.

All the Boston players have a word printed on their jerseys instead of their names (in shot you can see 'Commitment'). This was their victory salute in-front of their loyal fans.

Got myself a BC cap now, officially an Eagles fan! Awesome day in Boston.

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