
By Roam

Boston Truck Food

This morning we went to play a little baseball with Willis and the boys. We had a comp on who could get the most home runs (only by hitting out of the park). After 2 times up at the plate Me and Forrest both ended up with 5 a piece but he's claiming he won because he hit the biggest one, I guess I'll give him that if you keep reading you'll understand why.

Over the Halloween weekend all the truck food vendors come to one location to sell their trademark meals. Apparently this is an up and coming thing in the US. The building look abandoned, almost derelict from the outside but inside it was happening. I loved it, the fact you could go up and get loads of different foods in minutes and for a very cheap price. And this food was some of the best I've had anywhere, unbelievably tasty!

I had a beef brisket sandwich followed by a chilli cheese hot dog, both were eaten sitting on the concrete inside which was the trend, no tables just get on the floor and eat some messy food, it was great!

After that we went to a market with Halloween really taking its hold, I don't think we've been out here this close to the holiday before so it's interesting to see just how big it is. We then drove through Boston to give Leisa more than anybody a quick tour, we stopped to do a bit of shopping and I picked myself up a t-shirt.

Once we got home it was all Ping-Pong! Willis is very good as he grew up with and he's got that famous Chinese grip. He beat me last night in 2 games so I had to exert my revenge. I warmed up by beating Henry (12) 5 games straight although they were all very close the winning margin being around 4pts every time. He is rather good. Then the brotherly competition started. Forrest challenged me and I beat him fairly comfortably 3 games in a row. Taking the winning record to 8 games.

After dinner we had to play again. In our opening game I thought the winning run was coming to an end when he was 20-17 up in a game to 21. But I fought back to beat him 25-23 in a thrilling clash. I clearly dented his confidence as his performance tailed of in the next 3 games as I beat him 21-15, 21-9, 21-9. Now 12 games unbeaten but the real test was yet to come... Willis.

He finally gave me the nod and we headed into the arena. I was in good form and fancying my chances. It was a close run game throughout but I was always in control and I got revenge when he hit long to give me a 21-17 victory. We went again and I was down 7-2 early on as I struggled with my serve. He was dominant throughout but near the back end I found a flurry of pts and took the lead for the first time. I applied the pressure and got 4 match points, he saved one of them but then I sealed it. A repeat score of 21-17.

I took a break as Willis and Henry played. When I returned I played Henry, I won a lot of close pts and won 21-11 (I think!). Willis is leaving tomorrow morning so he only had time for one more game, and as it was 2-2 in our series this was the decided and it was a thriller. I sneaked it 23-21 in the end and topped the master. Now on a 16 game winning run and Willis leaving in the morning, it could extend until I leave. Ping-Pong really is my game.

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