Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Feeling squeezed

The weekends just aren’t long enough.

I didn’t do badly against my objectives today. Yes I am a list maker, but not an obsessive one. Things like tidy the house, clean the side alleyway, put up some bead curtains and do the shopping. Nothing dramatic. As Sundays go it was a bit Hancockian even though it was busy. Grey and wet and never really built up any momentum. And to add to the gloom, they’ve discovered thousands of black holes right here in The Milky Way. As if there wasn’t enough bad stuff with Brexit and Trump ...

Could have been worse. The Dizzle had to go to Bournemouth poor lad. There’s a place for a wet Sunday.

Before you ask I did remember to put another tube of toothpaste on the shopping list.

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