I'm Just Looking

By Quigs

Shabby Shed

It's been a cracker of a Sunday. Woke up to an overcast morning following overnight rain and headed over to Seatoun for a yummy brunch with B. I treated myself to some french toast (not having had white bread for several months) with bacon, banana and maple syrup which was great, while she had Eggs Montreal. There was artwork on display including photographs of the local area. I recognised this building from the old Shelley Bay airforce base so detoured there on the drive home and blipped it - saved myself the $170 that it was on sale for!!
Sun came out so went for a ride with my mate and I was going up the hills better than I've done in a long time so I was rewarded with a lovely beer in the sun at Bar Edward in Newtown on the way home. Well worth it. Finally, came home and cooked a divine stirfry for the family

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