What a Story

It always seems to me that there are so many times when we just don't understand or know the story.  We can have so many words, so many situations, so many images from around the world, but sometimes we just don't know the story.

Maybe that is what is wrong with the world.

This shot is for MonoMonday.  Thank you Chantler63.  As always you are a challenge...  Colour version added as a special favour for CoffeePotter...

This was taken at the Senso-Ji Temple in Tokyo today.  It was extremely busy, but once more we have seen some amazing things, had different experiences and have managed a fish free day so far.  I am just fascinated by the extent of the diverse and beautiful (Most of the time) modern architecture in Tokyo.  We leave here tomorrow and there is so much more to see...

Will try to include an extra of some buildings if possible.

I fell asleep before I could write a poem last night but I decided to celebrate with a Haiku today.


City of people
scurrying, smiling, grafting.
Whispering dragons.


Went up Tokyo Tower tonight - just couldn't resist adding a couple of extras of the view!

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