The Beetle

I was meaning to do this yesterday...a great idea to get the blip dogs together. However the day just ran away without me and it was dark before I even considered a blip.

What to say about Beetle? despite his often gruff look he is one of the happiest (and weirdest) dogs I have ever met.
Every time I think I have a handle on his clown/monster like personality he surprises me with a completely new antic.

When I first held him in my arms the bonding was immediate and the love wasn't just myself either...Flynn and Jaiya also felt the strong connection with this wee puppy.
Of course he does not take the place of Rumi (and In some respects Rumi was an Angel compared to this little guy) but he certainly came with everything to help relieve some of the loss.

He sleeps on my bed every night ...he starts off on his bed and then waits for me to go to sleep and creeps up and curls up tightly against me...which will be great in the winter but boy its been a bit crazy in the hot weather.
When my back is sore he curls up behind me ...sometimes I think he has healing powers as often I feel better after he does that. When I was sick and everyone was out he never complained about not going for a walk but happily stayed close by.

He has eaten my favorite carpet.....(he dive bombs the others)......and god knows what else...some of it came out the other end...alarming me with bright glowing colours and wondering if I should take him to the vet only to find that is was some Christmas decoration....... or part of a cats toy (he loves the cats toys so much he needs to eat them)....I dread to think what is still inside his tummy.

Every time I take him out and down to the beach he attracts a lot of attention...usually from good looking young men who think he is just awesome.....he makes people laugh all the time with his craziness and running around like a loony tune...and he is fast...really fast....but when I am taking pics I can let him off the lead and he stays nearby.

I have lots more to say about Beetle but most of all he is the most loving little dog I have ever encountered...and he is nearly 1 year old...a French Bulldog x .

“Dogs are our link to paradise. They don't know evil or jealousy or discontent. To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden, where doing nothing was not boring--it was peace.”

-Milan Kundera

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