
Today the girls wanted to spend the day with Grandma and Daddad at their new home. We dropped them off and then went and picked up our old school pal, Mal for a spot of lunch. He's here just for this year, and is having the unique experience of moving back in with the olds. He deserves a sainthood! He'll leave in December with his proper teaching quals and goes off to work in China, near the border with Hong Kong, where his wonderful wife is at the moment, having set up the music department of the first ever Chinese Government run International School. Mal will be working there too once he's all done.

After dropping him back and collecting the girls, we went to the park for a bit of a play. Nice day really. Have packed for tomorrow, as I'm off up North for work for the next 2 days. This week is going to be HECTIC! I'm looking forward to it.

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