Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

Lion sleeps on the plain

Another early start as we left the lodge at 6.30 to get to the Nagoragora crater as early as possible. Arrived and checked in, then spent 30-45 minutes driving around the rim of the crater to get to the down road. The entire top of the crater was covered in mist and low cloud that I wasn't expecting. Apparently it is like this every morning until the sun can burn through around 11. This did mean that it was a bit colder than I was expecting and was dresses for as we had left the fleeces at the lodge.
At the bottom of the road was a pride of lions, with a couple of hyenas and some jackals. The male lion was enjoying himself as one of the lionesses was in heat. Apparently it only lasts for 3 days in every six months. For the first day he has to do it every 15 minutes but it drops off for the next two days to every 20 to 30 minutes or so.
Following the road around we saw lots of the usual suspects before going to a hippo pool for breakfast. There was a raft of hippos on the far side of the lake and three near the bank.
We then left the pool to try and find rhinos in the wooded area. The light was great due to the cloud and the trees looked fantastic.
After a quick still exploding loo stop it was back in the jeep to look for more animals. The wind was stronger today and so it was a lot cooler, especially as the sun didn't clear the clouds away till around 12. We managed to see a cheetah sitting on the side of a small mount looking over the plain. From there we managed to find a black Rhino with a baby. Unfortunately it was a long way away and difficult to see in the bush, but at least I had seen one.
After lunch by the hippo pool again we started to head out of the crater stopping at the lions again. Reached the viewing point and stopped to take a few photos before heading back to the lodge.
Seen today
Buffalos, zebra, wilder beast, impala, lions, jackals, hyena, kori bustard birds the largest flying bird in the world, white pelicans, elephants, gazelle, storks, ostrich, guineafowl, fish tail eagle, weaver birds, superb starlings, zebra, heroin's, blacksmith plover birds, yellow billed stork, elephants, hartebeest, black billed tusk, grey crested crane, buffalo, hartebeest, flamingos, cheetah, Rhino and baby and warthogs

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