Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

Baby Whale Shark

Great day today. Had a bad nights sleep as we were travelling all night again and it was rough till about midnight with water coming over the bows and hitting our window.

The diving we were expecting to do at 8 was postponed, as they wanted to get to the whale shark bay to see if they were there.

Found a huge pod of dolphins on the way that came and played around the boat. Hopefully some good photos.

Saw a small whale shark on the way into the bay so we were hopeful on seeing them when we got there.

Managed to get out in the squidgy in the bay with the other boats looking for whale sharks. Found a small one around 5m long and had a great 20 minutes swimming with it. Got some good video footage and photos with John’s camera.

Saw a couple of other whale sharks but didn’t get long to swim with them before they dived deep.

Came back to the boat for lunch before doing a dive, which turned out to be very cold.

Great day.

Dive 35
Start time 16.45
Max depth 25.0m
Dive time 40 min
Temp 21. Brrrrrrr

Only dive today and dived the point on the way into the whale shark bay. Very cold when we got in and even colder at the bottom. Should have put the extra layers and hood on.
Spent most of the dive shivering.
Saw lots of small rays swimming around. One large jaw fish and a few small ones in the sand.
Found some warmer water at the point of the reef but the current had also picked up a bit. At this point Bob decided it was time to turn around, as he didn't want to swim in the current.
On the way back J decided to come up as she was cold. David then got his reel out and the others decided to join us. David put his SMB up but got his reg caught in the reel and started to go up. At this point I grabbed his fin and swam down along with J. He managed to untangle everything before he went up too far but could stop laughing. He is only the Diving office, training office for his branch also an advanced instructor and still can’t put up an SMB. What is the diving world coming to.
Eventful end to the dive

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