
By Mindseye

Wind in his sail

We slept well.....woke to the wind howling and the waves crashing up the beach, red flag again!

After breakfast in the main restaurant, we headed back to the room to get our sunscreen on...think it will just about last until we leave. We've got through 3 bottles and several sun block sticks ;-) no sore bits to report though!

After a couple of hours reading me and daughter took a walk on the beach to go to the local mans stall, he makes various trinkets and carvings. We had decided on a little something for the five girls ;-)

The afternoon cloud bubbled up as usual.. makes us feel chilly after laying in the sun! Another trek back to Lamy's stall to collect our gifts.....the sand was being whipped up by the wind, stinging our skin like thousands of tiny needles!!! I took him a bottle of water, which he was grateful for.

I took this shot of a kite surfer coming in to shore, couldn't see what Id taken on my iphone as it was far too bright.....turned out not too bad ;-)

Off to dinner shortly, then an Abba themed show this evening, should keep everyone entertained.. what's not to like :-)

3 days left!

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