
By Mindseye

Aqua work out

Watched the Abba tribute show last night, really good singers, they're not the easiest songs to sing, but they did them justice, so entertaining :-)

We all played Uno with Emily's friend and her parents for a while too, which was good fun....think I won twice ;-)

Slept like a log, woke up to the usual gusts and crashing waves.....the contours of the beach have actually changed over the last few days, the waves have been sooo powerful! Daughter went to the same stall today to get some little gifts to take home.

Some staff have been decorating the complex today with additional lighting and flags strung around, not sure if there is a national holiday or something coming up?!

All but finished my fourth book today, need to download one more for tomorrow and on the journey home, last full day tomorrow, the packing is looming now!

There was a paella and sangria demonstration around lunchtime today, lots of party like atmosphere, staff all dressed up. Although Mr Water Aerobics stuck to his task with his usual zest and vigour, as you can see here ;-) He jumps in and out of the pool from that bridge at least half a dozen times during the session, so much energy!!

Got a feeling tomorrow will be more of the same weather........one more paddle in the sea at least, before we go though!

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