
I love birthdays and don’t appear to be growing out of them! The day started with Zeke resisting the temptation to tell me what my gifts were (he managed, just about), delicious pastries and a lovely cup of tea in a new mug, Zeke invading my bath and filling it with paw patrol toys (deeply uncool but it’s hard to tell him to go away), a visit from Anne, park fun with the Clarks and my nieces and then back here with the family for lunch and birthday cake. I broke at 5pm and had the kind of nap you only really have when pregnant - 3 hours completely comatose - before the children woke me for a birthday bedtime story in my bed.

Mr B worked so hard to make it a lovely day, even more of a challenge with a big fat pregnant wife!

I still find it weird that I can’t text Mum to thank her for getting me out 35 years ago and bringing me up.... I’m sure she’ll get the message somehow!

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