In My World

By JoanneInOz

Dandelion City Mark II

The yard work continued today from yesterday, with husband happily sitting in the digger and creating huge piles of red dirt, as he dug holes and trenches around the front garden.

The day was not without incident though. Not long after the digging began this morning, he came back indoors to tell me an amusing story....

Our neighbour has planted a row of ginger plants, right along the boundary where we are finishing off the fence, which is where my husband is digging. As the ginger plants have grown, they have begun to intrude into our garden, and as gingers tend to multiply, we have had to remove half of the plants and will be building a root barrier under the fence.

As said neighbour does not want the fence to be completed (we started to build the fence before she bought the house) we are constructing the fence and root barrier entirely on our own land, so you can imagine our surprise when the digger hit a water pipe, cutting it in two, water spilling everywhere!

Husband rushed to our main water connection and switched the tap off...but the water continued to pour!!

It turns out that our neighbours main water pipe, which runs the water supply to her house, is on our property! Oops....

As the fun continued over at the boundary, I continued my work indoors (I have a large order of polo shirts that I am working on) but ventured outdoors for a break during the day to take a photo of the next Dandelion City to take hold on our yard.

You may recall the last Dandelion City, which was a small section of the back yard. This newly developed Dandelion City is out the front and has managed to take hold as husband has neglected the mower in favour of the digger.

BUT....while I was lining up the dandelions for a blip, a huge...what I thought was a wallaby at first, hopped past! It hopped and scurried so fast that I missed blipping it!

After a second look I noticed that it was a wild hare, and the largest hare I have ever seen!

A hare on steroids maybe?

P.S. I am terribly tired again tonight and now need the working week to recover from the activities of the weekend! I will catch up with your journals as time permits, but I still have a few busy days ahead. Thank you to everyone who has been dropping by to hear my lastest evolving moments during the weekend. :)

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