Diary of a Homeowner

By JennyWrenny

A Plum Problem

This was my first serious gardening problem. Dad and Al have grown a plum tree from seed and gave it to me when I moved in to plant in my garden. Having never gardened before I was lacking the confidence to start digging great holes in my garden so I have put it off, and put it off. I've read up about it, googled it, everything but bloody done it. Yesterday's snow though made me think I just need to get in the ground before it gets too cold.

I was supposed to 'prepare the site' for 1-2 months beforehand but this morning I literally just found myself digging a dirty great hole and plonking it in. The lawn is wrecked, I have no idea what to do with the turf and rubble I've dug up so I've just stuck it behin the shed, and had no buckle and spacer so improvised with a piece string. It will be a miracle if this poor plum tree survives my heavy handling, but as Bumbler said to me this morning, 'that's gardening!'.

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