Double Trouble

By HannahSpanner

What a drip

No blip for yesterday as we spent out evening in the A&E and Ward 11 of the Princess of Wales hospital Bridgend. Unfortunately during SCD and our take away curry I became gripped with agonising tummy pains and started to bleed heavily.
After trying Singleton hospital Ward 20 where I should have had my op on Friday (and getting no answer) I spoke to a midwife on the labour ward in Neath who told me to get to a&e ASAP!

To cut a long story short I've have miscarried naturally so no need for an op tomorrow (actually glad about that bit)

They kept me in to make sure I was ok etc
But I was allowed home this morning! Yay!!!!

The staff at POW were wonderful and I tweeted the lovely Rick O'shea rugby commentator and Dr at POW to say as much. He said he'd pop in and see me if I was still in tomorrow a bit gutted I don't get to meet him (I do quite like his bad jokes on the rugby)

But am so glad to be home and on the mend and I have a whole week to recover before going back to work.

Blipping will hopefully return to a happyish medium in the next few days

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